RolaChem RC1 Chemical Dosing Systems
Rolachem RP9 Automatic Control System
- Control pH levels
- Maintains sanitier effectiveness
- Helps lower sanitiser consumption
- Reduces red eyes & skin irritations
- Reduces time & maintenance
Maintain the perfect pH in your pool
The pH balance of your pool and spa is crucial to maintaining a safe, healthy and comfortable swimming environment. pH is a measure of the balance of Alkalines and Acids in your water, and if out of balance, the water may cause stinging of the eyes, lower sanitiser effectiveness and promote the growth of algae and bacteria.
The RolaChem RP9 automatic pH controller measures the pH and then adjusts it with a measured dose of pH adjuster, so to that it always looks great and is safe and healthy to swim in. With sophisticated sensors and software programming the pH level is continuously monitored and adjusted taking into account weather conditions or bather load