74 ALL PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO 10% GST, OR APPLICABLE RATE AS ADVISED. PRODUCT CATALOGUE EFFECTIVE JULY 2018. COMMERCIAL STRAINERS / HEATERS Model Product Code List Price Kivu Strainer 25L 56733 $1,570.00 Description: Kivu Strainer of 25 Liters made in polypropylene and fiberglass. 6” x 6” flanges drilled according to DIN-2501 Standard. Basket in PP. Compatible with KIVU pump. Ordering: Please specify product number when ordering. Warranty guide: Limited 3 year warranty on all components. Refer to instruction manual and website for full warranty details. KIVU STRAINER Model Product Code List Price Strainer in polypropylene - 8L Capacity 09879-0830 $652.00 Description: Flanges drilled according to DIN-2501 Standard. Supplied with 3 piece coupling at the inlet. 8 litre capacity. Inlet size: 80mm ID - Outlet size: 100 mm ID. Max Flow 88m3 / HR Ordering: Please specify product number when ordering. Warranty guide: Limited 3 year warranty on all components. Refer to instruction manual and website for full warranty details. STRAINER POLYPROPYLENE AND FIBREGLASS 289 DN150 - 6" 400 285 531 DN150 - 6" 294 347 Año/Year: 2012 Rev. 00 DIMENSIONS DIMENSIONES 56733IM4_00 Pág. 1/1 ESP/ENG WERESERVE THERIGHT TOCHANGEALLORPARTOF THE FEATURESOF THEARTICLESORCONTENTSOF THISDOCUMENT,WITHOUTPRIORNOTICE. NOUSRÉSERVONS LEDROITDEMODIFIER TOTALEMENTOU ENPARTIE LESCARACTERISTIQUESDENOSARTICLESOU LECONTENUDECEDOCUMENT SANSPRÉ-AVIS. NOSRESERVAMOS ELDERECHODECAMBIAR TOTALOPARCIALMENTE LASCARACTERÍSTICASDENUESTROSARTÍCULOSO ELCONTENIDODE ESTEDOCUMENTO SINPREVIOAVISO. CIRISERVIAMO ILDIRITTODICAMBIARE TOTALMENTEOPARZIALMENTE LESCARATTERISTICHE TECNICHEDEINOSTRIPRODOTTIED ILCONTENUTODIQUESTODOCUMENTO SENSANESSUNPREAVVISO. WIRBEHALTENUNSDASRECHTVORDIE EIGENSCHAFTENUNSERERPRODUKTEODERDEN INHALTDIESESPROSPEKTES TEILWEISEODERVOLLSTÄNDING,OHNEVORHERIGEBENACHRICHTIGUNG ZUÄNDERN. RESERVAMO-NOSNODIEREITODEALTERAR, TOTALOUPARCIALMENTEASCARACTERISTICASDOSNOSSOSATIGOSOUOCONTEÚDODESTEDOCUMENTO SEMAVISOPRÉVIO. PRODUCTO: PREFILTRO 25L (COD. 56733) PRODUCT: PRE-FILTER 25L (CODE 56733) Description: Heat Pump suitable for commercial pools in sizes ranging in 47kw to 145.0kw Titanium heat exchanger, powder coated case. Flow rate from 283 lpm to 1000 lpm. Lead time 8 weeks. Warranty Guide: Limited 10 years on Heat exchanger, 3 years on compressor and evaporator, 1 year on control. Refer to instruction manual and website for full warranty details. ASTRALPOOL COMMERCIAL HEAT PUMPS FOR OUTDOOR INSTALLATION ONLY Model Product Code Net Dimension (mm) Connection (mm) Min Flow (lpm) Min Friction Lost (kPa) Sound Level (dBa) List Price AstralPool 47.0 Kw commercial* 78550 1490×735×1130 63 283 12 61 $19,290.00 AstralPool 58.0 Kw commercial* 78551 1490×735×1130 63 333 12 61 $21,024.00 AstralPool 95.0 Kw commercial* 78552 2180×1080×1930 110 467 16 61 $29,116.00 AstralPool 120.0 Kw commercial* 78553 2180×1080×2030 110 583 16 62 3$8,954.00 AstralPool 145.0 Kw commercial* 78554 2180×1080×2030 110 700 18 63 $48,572.00 AstralPool 220.0 Kw commercial 78555 2180×1080×2060 110 1000 21 67 $60,274.00 * Items are normally carried in stock but subject to sales volume. All performance data is based on 27°C ambient temperature, 26 °C water temperature and 60% relative humidity